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Saturday, May 28, 2011

List of computer Laguages


Computer programming languages are used to write programs that define the behavior of a computer system. They are based on certain syntactic and semantic rules, which define the meaning of each of the programming language constructs. The syntactic and the semantic rules of every programming language define the language implementation. Programming languages provide the computer programmers with the means to express computer algorithms.

List of the Different Types of Computer Programming Languages

Interpreted Programming Languages
The programming languages that are implemented by means of an interpreter are known as interpreted languages. Interpreters execute the source code directly by translating the source code into an intermediate representation.

APL: It is an array programming language. It can work simultaneously on multiple arrays of data. It is interpretive, interactive and a functional programming language.

AutoIt: It is a freeware automation language for Microsoft Windows. It's main intent is to create automation scripts that can be used for the execution of certain repetitive tasks on Windows.

Basic: The name is short for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. It was developed by John George Kemeny and Thomas Eugene Kurtz at Dartmouth in 1964. It was designed with intent of giving the non-science people an access to computers. It became popular in the 1970s and the 80s. Microsoft Visual Basic is based on Basic. Some dialects of BASIC are compiled computer languages.

Eiffel: It is an object-oriented programming language that is ISO-standardized and used to develop extensible and reusable software. It is a development platform for many industries such as finance, aerospace and video gaming. Sather is a computer programming language that was formerly based on Eiffel and has now evolved to include many functional programming features. Ubercode is a high-level platform-sharing language. Its design is derived from Eiffel and BASIC.

Forth: It is a structured imperative programming language, which bases its implementation on stacks. It supports an interactive execution of commands as well as the compilation of sequences of commands.

Frink: It was developed by Alan Eliasen and named after Professor John Frink, a popular fictional character. It is based on the Java Virtual Machine and focuses on science and engineering. Its striking feature is that it tracks the units of measure through all the calculations that enables quantities to contain their units of measure.

Game Maker Language: It is an interpreted computer programming language intended to be used in cooperation with Game Maker, an application for game creation. Mark Overmars, a Dutch computer scientist, designed this language.

ICI: ICI is a general purpose interpreted computer programming language. It supports dynamic typing, flexible data types and other language constructs similar to C. It was designed by Tim Long in 1992.

J: Ken Iverson and Roger Hui developed this programming language that requires only the basic ASCII character set. It is an array programming language that works well with mathematical and statistical operations.

Lisp: It is the second-oldest high level computer programming language that has a fully parenthesized syntax. The name, Lisp is derived from 'List Processing Language'. One of the important data structures that Lisp supports is linked list. Lisp programs deal with source code as a data structure. Lush is an object-oriented form of the Lisp language. It can be used for network programming and administration tasks. Common Lisp, Dylan, Logo and Scheme are the dialects of Lisp. Common Lisp is a language specification. It supports multiple paradigms and is a general purpose programming language. Dylan is another multi-paradigm dialect of Lisp that supports both functional and object-oriented programming. Logo and Scheme support functional programming. Guy Steele and Gerald Jay Sussman developed Scheme as a multi-paradigm programming language. MultiLisp is a dialect of Scheme that supports parallel programming and shared memory.

Lua: Members of the Computer Graphics Technology Group developed Lua in 1993. It is an imperative and procedural programming language that was designed as a scripting language. It is known for being simple yet powerful.

M: M is short for MUMPS, a programming language created for the health care industry. Neil Pappalardo, the founder of medical information technology and his associates developed the M language.

Pascal: It is a procedural programming language that was intended to use data structuring and structured programming. Niklaus Wirth, a Swiss computer scientist designed this language and it was named after Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician and philosopher. Object Pascal is a branch of the object-oriented derivatives of Pascal. It later came to be known as Delphi.

PCASTL: It is a high level language developed by Philippe Choquette and falls under the class of interpreted computer programming languages. It is specially designed for self-modifying code.

Perl: Perl is a high level interpreted programming language that supports dynamic programming. Larry Wall, a linguist who served as a systems administrator at NASA developed Perl. It provides the programmers with text processing facilities and has a blend of features adopted from various languages like C, Lisp and Awk.

PostScript: It is used in the desktop publishing field and is known as a page description language. It is a dynamically typed stack-based programming language developed by John Warnock, an American computer scientist and Charles Geschke, a notable figure in the field of computer science. These developers went on to found the very well-known company, Adobe Systems.

Python: It is a high-level programming language that supports imperative, object-oriented and functional programming paradigms. In its features like the dynamic type system and automatic memory management, it is similar to Perl. Originally released in 1991 by Guido van Rossum, a Dutch computer programmer, Python is an open community-based language whose development is managed by the Python Software Foundation.

REXX: Short for Restructured Extended Executor, REXX is an interpreted language developed by IBM. It was designed with an intent to be an easily learnable and readable language. CMS EXEC and EXEC 2 were the predecessors of REXX. NetRexx is the IBM's implementation of REXX that offers object-oriented programming. Object REXX is an object-oriented scripting language that is based on REXX.

Ruby: The efforts for developing this language initiated in Japan in the 1990s. Similar to Perl, it has a dynamic type system and an automatic memory management. It supports multiple programming paradigms and is a dynamic object-oriented language.

S-Lang: Originally developed as a stack-based language, S-Lang has evolved as a language similar to C. It was developed by John E. Davis.

Spin: It is a multitasking object-oriented programming language whose compiler converts the Spin code into bytecodes. Multiple Spin code threads can run at a time, thus enabling multitasking. Spin was developed by Chip Gracey of Parallax.

Functional Programming Languages
These languages define every computation as a mathematical evaluation. They focus on the application of functions. Many of the functional programming languages are bound to mathematical calculations.

Charity: It is a purely functional, not-Turing-complete language, which means that all its programs are guaranteed to terminate. Charity was designed at the University of Calgary, a public University in Canada.

Clean: It is a purely functional programming language that supports portability across platforms, automatic garbage collection, multiple data structures and referential transparency, which means that a function with a given input will always give the same output.

Curry: It is a functional logic programming language that implements functional and logic programming as well as constraint programming, wherein the relationships between variables are stated in the form of constraints.

Erlang: It is a concurrent programming language that includes a sequential subset, which supports functional programming. Ericsson developed Erlang as a distributed soft real-time and fault-tolerant language and released it as an open source computer programming language in 1998. It is one of the most popularly used functional programming languages.

F#: It targets the .NET Framework and supports both functional as well as imperative object-oriented programming. Don Syme at the Microsoft Research developed this language, which is now being developed at the Microsoft Developer Division. F Sharp, as it is called, will soon be integrated into the .NET Framework and Visual Studio.

Haskell: Named in honor of Haskell Curry, a logician, Haskell is a standardized purely functional language. It supports pattern matching, definable operators, single assignment, algebraic data types and recursive functions.

Joy: It is a purely functional language that is based on a composition of functions. Manfred von Thun of La Trobe University in Australia developed this language.

Kite: It came up in 2006 with a feature set consisting of a blend of object-oriented and functional programming features. It is a fast-running language. Interestingly, Kite uses the pipe character for functional calls rather than using the period or arrow characters in other languages.

ML: Robin Milner and his associates at the University of Edinburgh came up with ML in the 1970s. It is an impure functional language as it supports imperative programming. Standard ML is popular among compiler writers and is a modular, functional programming language. Alice is a dialect of Standard ML, which supports distributed computing, multithreading and constraint programming. Caml is another dialect of ML and is a statically typed language that supports automatic memory management. Ocaml is the implementation of Caml that is developed as an open source project. JoCaml is a version of Ocaml based on join-calculus.

Nemerle: It is a statically typed programming language that is designed for the .NET platform. Programs in Nemerle are compiled into an intermediate language bytecode. It supports functional, imperative and object-oriented programming.

OPAL: The name stands for Optimized Applicative Language and is a functional programming language developed at the Technical University of Berlin.

OPS5: It is a rule-based production system computer language that became the first language to be used in an expert system.

Q: It is called Q for being an equational programming language. It is an interpreted functional language that was designed by Albert Graf at the University of Mainz in Germany. It can be described as a set of equations used to evaluate expressions.

Compiled Programming Languages
These programming languages make use of a compiler for the execution of code. Compilers can translate source code into machine code and thus bring out the implementation of the programming language instructions.

Ada: It is a statically typed, structured, imperative programming language that is based on Pascal. A team of CII Honeywell Bull that was led by Jean Ichbiah developed Ada. The Ada compilers are validated for mission-critical systems. Ada is an internationally standardized computer programming language.

ALGOL: Algorithmic Language, as it is called, is actually a family of imperative programming languages that was developed in the middle 1950s. It proved instrumental in the creation of programming languages like BCPL, B and C. Simula, representing Simula I and Simula 67 is a superset of Algol 60. Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard of the Norwegian Computing Center in Oslo were the brains behind Simula.

C: Dennis Ritchie at the Bell Telephone Laboratories developed C to be used on the Unix platform. It is a general purpose, cross-platform, procedural, imperative programming language. It is used for implementing system software and application software and is one of the most-used computer programming languages of today. The development of C++ and C# was influenced by C.

C++: It consists of a combination of high-level and low-level language features and is hence considered as a middle-level programming language. Bjarne Stroustrup of Bell Labs developed C++ as an extension of the C language. Originally known as 'C with Classes', it came to be known as C++ from 1983. It is a multi-paradigm language that supports procedural programming, generic programming, object-oriented programming and data abstraction.

C#: C Sharp is a multi-paradigm programming language that supports imperative, generic and object-oriented programming. It is a part of the Microsoft .NET Framework. It is similar to C++ in its object-oriented syntax and is also influenced by Java and Delphi. Polyphonic C# extends C#. MC# is an extension of Polyphonic C# that can work on the .NET platform. C-omega is an extension to C# that succeeded Polyphonic C#. It enables access to data stores and includes constructs that support concurrent programming.

CLEO: It is known as the Clear Language for Expressing Orders and is a computer language for the LEO computer.

COBOL: The name stands for Common Business-Oriented Language that is designed for the business and finance domain. COBOL 2002 standard supports object-oriented programming. It is one of the very old programming languages that are still in use.

Cobra: It is an object-oriented programming language that runs on .NET and Mono frameworks. Chuck Esterbrook developed it. Its design is influenced by languages like Python and C#. It supports static and dynamic typing and is suited for unit tests. Today, it is an open source project.

D: Originally designed as an enhancement of C++, it is also influenced by Java, Eiffel and C#. It is an object-oriented, imperative, multi-paradigm system programming language developed by Walter Bright of Digital Mars.

DASL: Acronym of Distributed Application Specification Language, it is a high-level, strongly typed programming language that was developed at the Sun Microsystems. It was created with an intent to be used for developing web applications.

DIBOL: Acronym of Digital Interactive Business Oriented Language, DIBOL is a general purpose procedural imperative programming language. It is fairly similar to COBOL as is best suited for the development of Management Information Systems.

Fortran: It is a procedural, imperative, general purpose computer programming language that works well for scientific computations and numeric operations. After IBM developed it in the 1950s, it soon gained popularity in programming. It is very popular in the field of high-performance computing. F is a structured and compiled programming language that is a subset of Fortran95. Fortran 2003, a revised version of Fortran supports object-oriented programming.

Java: Sun Microsystems developed Java and released it in 1995 as a part of the Java platform. Java applications are compiled to bytecode, which can run on any virtual machine, thus making Java programs platform-independent. It is very popular language of the modern times. Groovy is an object-oriented programming language for the Java platform. It is a dynamic programming language, which can also be used as a scripting language. Join Java is a programming language that extends Java by adding join methods, asynchronous methods and order class modifiers to Java. X10 is a computer programming language developed by IBM that supports parallel programming, arrays and concurrency. It is seen as an extended subset of Java.

JOVIAL: It is a high-order computer programming language similar to ALGOL. It is best suited to the design and development of embedded systems.

Objective-C: It is a reflective object-oriented programming language that adds messaging services to C.

SMALL: The name stands for Small Machine Algol-like Language. It provides the programmers with abilities to write an ALGOL-like code that can be run on small machines.

Smalltalk: It is a reflective, object-oriented programming language that supports dynamic typing. Alan Kay, Adele Goldberg, Dan Ingalls, Scott Wallace, Ted Kaehler and their associates at Xerox PARC developed Smalltalk. They designed it for educational use and it soon became popular. VisualWorks is a prominent implementation of Smalltalk. Squeak is a programming language that is in the form of an implementation of Smalltalk. Scratch is a visual programming language based on Squeak.

Turing: It was developed by Ric Holt and James Cordy of the University of Toronto, Canada, in 1982. It was named in honor of the British computer scientist, Alan Turing. This Pascal-like language is a freeware since 2007.

Visual Basic: It is an event-driven programming language that is packaged with an integrated development environment. It inherits many of its features from BASIC. Its graphical development features make it easy for beginners to learn VB.

Visual FoxPro: It is an object-oriented and procedural programming language derived from FoxPro. It is integrated with a relational database system of its own and does not require an additional programming environment. It supports dynamic programming.

XL: It is created with an intent to support concept programming, a programming paradigm that focuses on how concepts residing in a programmer's mind can be transformed into code constructs. Programmers can reconfigure XL's syntax and semantics.

Procedural Programming Languages
Procedural programming is synonymous with imperative programming, which implies specifying the steps that the programs should take to reach to an intended state. It is a programming paradigm that involves procedure calls. A procedure is a group of statements that can be referenced through a procedure call. Procedures help in reuse of code. Procedural programming makes the programs structured and easily traceable for program flow.

Apart from the very well-known languages like COBOL, BASIC, Fortran, Ada, C, C++, C#, Visual Basic and Java, there are many other languages that follow procedural programming. Take a look at them.

Bliss: It is a system programming language and was one of the best-known languages of this type till C came up. W.A. Wolf, D. B. Russell and A. N. Habermann of the Carnegie Mellon University developed Bliss. It includes exception handling mechanisms, coroutines and macros while it excludes the goto statement.

ChucK: It is a concurrent and strongly timed audio programming language that runs on Mac OS X, Linux as well as Microsoft Windows. It is especially known for the ability it gives to the programmers to do some modifications even in the running programs.

CLIST: It is a procedural programming language in the form of a set of commands that need to be executed in a sequence like that of a batch file.

HyperTalk: It is a high-level programming language that was intended to be used by programmers at the beginner's level. The programmers of this computer language were known as authors and the act of writing programs was called scripting. HyperTalk was designed by Dan Winker in 1987. Structurally, it resembles Pascal.

Modula-2: It is a general purpose procedural language created in 1978 by Niklaus Wirth at ETH. It is similar to Pascal and has systems programming and multiprogramming features.

Oberon: Niklaus Wirth, the man behind Pascal and Modula came up with Oberon in 1986. It was designed as a part of the Oberon operating system. It is similar to Modula-2 but smaller than it.

Component Pascal: It is a programming language that seems to be related to Pascal, but is actually incompatible with it. It is actually a variant of Oberon-2. Lagoona is an experimental programming language that supports component-oriented programming, a paradigm of decomposing a system into logical or functional components. Michael Franz, a student of Niklaus Wirth developed Lagoona. Seneca, better known as Oberon-2 is an extension of the Oberon programming language.

MATLAB: It is a numerical computing environment and a programming language that enables matrix computations, function plotting and algorithm implementation. It can also be used for user interface creation. MathWorks created MATLAB.

Occam: It is an imperative procedural language that was developed by David May and his colleagues at INMOS. It is similar to Pascal. Occam-pi is a variant of Occam that has been extended to include nested protocols, recursion, protocol inheritance, array constructors and run-time process creation.

PL/C: It was developed for being used to teach programming. It was created at the Cornell University in the 1970s.

PL/I: It is an imperative computer programming language targeted at scientific and engineering applications. Mainly intended to perform data processing, it also supports structured programming and recursion.

Rapira: It is a procedural programming language that was used in teaching computer programming in Soviet schools. Developed in the USSR, initially this language had Russian-based keywords. English keywords were incorporated later.

RPG: This programming language is used for business applications. It is available with the IBM's System I midrange computers.

Scripting Languages
Scripting languages are programming languages that control an application. Scripts can execute independent of any other application. They are mostly embedded in the application that they control and are used to automate frequently executed tasks like communicating with external programs.

AppleScript: It is a scripting language that is built into the Mac OS.

Awk: Awk was born in the Bell Labs in the 1970s. It is used for processing text-based data in data streams and files and uses the string datatype, arrays and regular expressions.

BeanShell: It is a java scripting language that is syntactically similar to Java and runs on the Java Runtime Environment along with scripting commands and syntax.

ColdFusion: It is an application server and software development framework that comes with an associated scripting language known as ColdFusion Markup Language. It is known as CFML and is similar to HTML in terms of its syntax.

ECMAScript: It is a scripting language from the Ecma International specification. It is widely used on the web. ActionScript that is used in the development of websites and database applications is based on ECMAScript. DMDScript scripting language is the Digital Mars ECMAScript engine. ECMAScript for XML extends ECMAScript by adding XML support to it. JavaScript is used for web development at the client's side. It is a weakly typed, prototype-based dynamic language. Jscript is another dialect of ECMAScript, which is Microsoft-based. Both these dialects are widely used in web development.

F-Script: It is an object-oriented scripting language that is closely similar to Smalltalk with an additional feature of array programming.

JASS: It is an event-driven scripting language that provides the programmers with an extensive API.

Maya Embedded Language: Abbreviated as MEL, it is a scripting language that is used to support tasks on the Maya software. Its syntax resembles that of Perl.

Mondrian: This scripting language is aimed for Internet use and is looked upon as being a combination of Haskell and Java.

PHP: PHP is one of the very popularly used general purpose scripting languages. It is developed for creating dynamic web pages and supports a command line interface capability.

Revolution: It is a rapid application development language that is based on HyperTalk. It is a cross-platform language that supports dynamic typing.

Tcl: It is a scripting language, which is believed to be easy to learn. It is used for rapid prototyping and has found utility in embedded systems.

VBScript: It is an active scripting language that Microsoft developed as a variation of Microsoft Visual Basic. VBScript is a default component with each of the Desktop releases of Microsoft Windows.

Windows PowerShell: It is Microsoft's command line shell and a scripting language. Released in 2006, it is available with Windows XP, Windows Vista as also with Windows Server 3003 and Windows Server 2008. It works in collaboration with Microsoft .NET Framework by means of executables, forms of standalone applications, regular .NET classes, cmdlets that are specialized .NET classes and scripts, the compositions of cmdlets and imperative logic.

Markup Languages
A markup language is an artificial language that uses annotations to text that define how the text is to be displayed.

Curl: It is a reflective object-oriented programming language. It is a markup language similar to HTML and also an object-oriented programming language supporting multiple inheritance.

SGML: Standardized General Markup Language (SGML) has descended from IBM's Generalized Markup Language. It is an ISO standard metalanguage that can define markup languages for documents. It was designed with an intent of sharing machine-readable documents of large projects that had to be retained for long years.

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language, abbreviated as HTML, is the most prominent markup language that is used for web pages. It is written in the form of HTML tags that are surrounded by angular brackets. HTML tags describe the appearance of the text in a document and can be embedded into certain other code to affect the web browser behavior. HTML uses the SGML default syntax.

XML: The name stands for Extensible Markup Language. It is extensible because it allows the users to define their own XML elements. It supports the sharing of structured data over the Internet and the encoding and serializing of data. It originated as a subset of SGML. XPath is the XML Path Language that is used to select nodes from an XML document. It supports the computation of values. XQuery is used to query the collections of XML data. Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) is an XML-based language that is used for the transformation of XML documents into human-readable formats. Apache Ant is a tool for the automation of software build processes. It uses XML to describe the build processes.

XHTML: It is a markup language that is similar to HTML and follows the XML syntax. It is midway between HTML and XML. XHTML documents allow automated processing of data.

Logic-based Programming Languages
Logic programming is the use of mathematical logic for computer programming. Logic-based programming languages specify the attributes for a solution and also the steps to arrive at the solution.

ALF: Algebraic Logic Functional Programming Language is a multi-paradigm programming language that is a combination of functional programming and logic programming. ALF program statements are compiled into instructions of an abstract machine. An emulator written in C executes the programs of the abstract machine.

Fril: Fril language was designed by Trevor Martin and Jim Baldwin at the University of Bristol in the 1980s. It is for first-order predicate calculus. It supports fuzzy sets and metaprogramming and is based on the Prolog syntax.

Janus: Janus supports concurrent and constraint programming.

Leda: This computer programming language is a blend of logic-based, functional, imperative and object-oriented programming. It is thus one of the multi-paradigm languages.

Oz: It is a multi-paradigm language that supports functional, logic-based, imperative and object-oriented programming. Oz also supports concurrent and distributed programming. Constraint programming that is supported by Oz is one of the strengths of this language.

Poplog: It is a powerful multi-paradigm software development environment whose core language is POP-11. All the languages of this development environment share a common language editor and are incrementally compiled programming languages.

Prolog: It is a general purpose programming language that supports logic programming and is often linked with artificial intelligence and computational linguistics. The language is declarative and the program logic is expressed in the form of relations. Mercury is a functional logic programming language that is based on Prolog. Strawberry Prolog is a dialect of Prolog, which is supposed to be easy to use. Visual Prolog is a strongly typed extension of Prolog that supports object-oriented programming. It is a compiled logic-based programming language.

ROOP: It is a multi-paradigm language that is built on C++. It is intended to be used with artificial intelligence systems. Its features offer a blend of procedural, logic-based and object-oriented programming.

Concurrent Programming Languages
The concurrent execution of multiple tasks is known as concurrent programming. It is implemented by the means of processes or threads spawned by a single program. Communication between the concurrent components of a program occurs either by means of shared memory or through message passing mechanism. Java, Ada and Erlang are some of the well-known concurrent programming languages. Concurrency is achieved in Java by means of shared memory and concurrency-based monitors. Here is a list of the other concurrent programming languages.

ABCL: It is actually a family of Actor-Based Concurrent Languages, which was developed in Japan during the 1980s and the 1990s. ABCL/1, ABCL/R, ABCL/R2 are some of the members of the ABCL family.

Afnix: It is a multi-threaded functional programming language. Its interpreter is written in C++. Its runtime engine supports both 32 and 64 bit platforms.

Cilk: Created at the MIT Laboratory in 1994, Cilk supports multithreaded parallel programming.

Concurrent Pascal: Per Brinch Hansen, a Danish-American computer scientist created Concurrent Pascal for writing operating systems and programming real-time systems.

E: It is an object-oriented programming language that supports distributed programming. Mark Miller, Dan Bornstein and associates at the Electric Communities developed E in 1997. Its syntax resembles that of Java.

Joule: Joule is a concurrent dataflow programming language that preceded the E programming language. It is used for distributed applications.

Limbo: Developed at the Bell Labs, Limbo is used for programming distributed systems. Its striking feature is its compiler's ability to generate architecture-independent object code. Limbo is used for applications running on Inferno operating system. Alex that was initially a part of the Plan 9 operating system is the predecessor of Limbo.

Pict: It is a statically typed programming language, which is in the experimental stage today.

SALSA: Short for Simple Actor Language System and Architecture, SALSA supports concurrent programming, message passing and distributed computing. It uses Java code for portability.

SR: Acronym of Synchronizing Resources, SR is a concurrent programming language.

Object-oriented Programming Languages
Object-oriented programming languages support the object-oriented programming techniques like encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance and polymorphism. Object-oriented programming makes use of classes, objects and the interaction between objects. Many computer programming languages of the present times support object-oriented programming. Some of the widely used programming languages that offer object-oriented programming features are C++, C#, Java, Perl 5, PHP, Python and Ruby. Look at the other object-oriented programming languages.

Agora: It is a prototype-based object-oriented programming language features message passing mechanisms.

BETA: It is an object-oriented programming language wherein classes and procedures revolve around the same concept and classes are defined as attributes of objects. It has strong abstraction mechanisms. BETA also supports nested classes.

Cecil: This object-oriented language was created by Craig Chambers at the University of Washington. It is similar to Objective-C and Modula-3.

Lava: Lava is a visual object-oriented interpreter-based programming language.

Lisaac: It was the first compiled object-oriented programming language that was based on prototype concepts. It also supports system programming.

MOO: It is a dynamically typed prototype based programming language that supports object-oriented programming. It supports exception handling mechanisms and looping constructs.

Moto: It is an open source server-side programming language that comes with state and session management objects and database connectivity.

Object-Z: It was developed at the University of Queensland, Australia. It extends the Z programming language by adding object-oriented features to it.

Obliq: It is an interpreted computer programming language that offers object-oriented programming features. It supports untyped variables and was designed for distributed and multithreaded computations.

Oxygene: Based on Object Pascal, Oxygene is an object-oriented programming language with a rich feature set. Previously, it was known as 'Chrome'.

Pliant: It is based on a dynamic compiler and comes with a unique ability of supporting low-level instruction lists as well as high-level expressions.

Prograph: It is a visual object-oriented multi-paradigm language that uses symbols to signify the actions to be performed on data.

REBOL: REBOL is the acronym given for Relative Expression Based Object Language. It is designed for use on distributed platforms and in network communications.

Scala: The name Scala stands for Scalable Language. It is a multi-paradigm programming language, which offers object-oriented and functional programming features.

Self: It is an object-oriented prototype-based computer programming language. NewtonScript is used to write programs for Apple Newton and is largely influenced by Self.

Slate: This object-oriented programming language that is based on the concept of prototypes. It derives some of its features from Smalltalk and some from the Self language. The Slate design is intended at providing the programmers with an operating system-like environment.

XOTcl: It is an object-oriented extension of the Tool Command Language that supports metaclasses and dynamic classes and methods.

IO: It is a pure object-oriented programming language having a prototype-based object model. It is small in size and can be executed on small portable virtual machines.

This was an extensive list of computer programming languages. Different programming languages offering different programming features serve as the means of communication between humans and computer systems.

Friday, May 27, 2011

GD topics


A Group Discussion is a methodology used by any institution / organization to gauge whether the candidate has certain personality traits and/or skills that are desired by the concerned institute / organization. In this methodology, all short-listed candidates are divided into groups of 8-12 students. Each group is given a topic or a situation. The group is allowed a few minutes to think about the same, and then asked to discuss it among themselves for 15-20 minutes, while a panel of judges observes and analyzes the proceedings. 1. Indian cultural values have nothing to fear from globalization

2. The impact of economic reforms has been that rich people have become richer rich and poor people poorer.

3. Management education is only for the rich.

4. Reservation in parliament for women.

5. The US dollar is no longer a stable currency

6. The impact of Internet on India.

7. Behind every man there is a woman.

8. Politicians are not interested in the future of our country.

9. Wisdom does not come with age.

10. Corruption is the main outcome of democracy.

11. Is the consumer really the King in India?

12. Globalization verses Nationalism.

13. Conditional access system for cable TV watchers: boon or bane?

14. If India is poorly governed, the reason is that we have designed our system of governance for protecting if not encouraging corruption.

15. Commercialization of health care: good or bad?

16. Should agricultural subsidies be stopped?

17. Do we lag behind China?

18. Who says MNCs are superior to Indian companies?

19. Food comes first, ethics later!

20. To survive in the civilized world one needs to be a hypocrite.

21. Money is the sixth sense without which one can't enjoy the other five.

22. English language as a mode of instruction in primary level.

23. Men and Women are different.

24. Given the present state of affairs, India will remain a developing country forever.

25. IIM's and IIT's encourage only brain drain.

26. Whether reservation to women is beneficial?

27. There is no alternative to Pokhran nuclear test in present scenario.

28. Modern cinema is a boon to Indian society.

29. Should youth indulge in politics?

30. US war on Iraq-justified or not.

31. Role of UN in peacekeeping.

32. Position of Women in India compared to other nations.

33. Environment Management.

34. Is China better than India in software?

35. Should SONIA Gandhi be made the PM

36. BPOs in INDIA

37. Govt contribution to IT

38. Will punch lines rule the Advertisements?

39. premarital sex

40. India or west , which is the land of opportunities

41. water resources should be nationalized


43. Is it necessary to ban COCOCOLA in India?

44. About Hockey being the primary game in India.

45. Cricket should be banned or not.

46. Present state of Indian Cricket team.

47. Love marriage/Arranged marriage.

48. Advantages of Co-education.

49. How to deal with international terrorism.

50. Is peace and non-violence outdated concepts?

51. A Unipolar World spells disaster for underdeveloped countries like India.

52. What shall we do about our ever-increasing Population?

53. Corruption is the price we pay for Democracy.

54. Foreign Television Channels are destroying our culture.

10 FAQ’s About Revised GRE

10 FAQ’s About Revised GRE in GRE

ETS will offer Revised GRE starting August 1, 2011. Here is a list of 10 frequently asked questions about Revised GRE 2011.
1) What is the format of Revised GRE?

    You can go back to edit your answers.
    Built-in Calculator is available.
    New question types will appear in Verbal and Quantitative sections.
        GRE Verbal: Current vs Revised GRE
        GRE Math: Current vs Revised GRE

2) What will be the new scoring system in Revised GRE?

In current GRE pattern, Verbal and Quantitative section’s score range between 200 to 800. In Revised GRE, scoring scale for Verbal and Math section will be 130 to 170 with 1 point increment. Analytical writing will be 0 to 6.
3) What will be the fees for Revised GRE Exam?

GRE Test takers can save 50% on Revised GRE, if you register to take the test between August 1 and September 30, 2011.  As of now GRE test registration fees ar as follows

    $160 – U.S. Puerto Rico
    $205 – China (Hong Kong, Korea)
    $190- all other locations
    $140 – Subject Tests (USA)
    $160 – Subject Tests – All other locations

4) Changes to GRE Score Reporting Schedule

    If you take the GRE revised General Test during between  August 1 and September 30,  2011, your scores sent  to universities by mid-November 2011.
    If you take the GRE revised General Test in October – November, scores reported  in mid- to late-November.
    In December 2011††, normal score reporting resumes. Your score report will be sent 10 – 15 days after the test date.

Take GRE Exam before Jul 31, 2011. So, ETS can send test scores to universities before November 2011.
5) What is the last date to take GRE exam in current format?

ETS will offer Revised GRE from Aug 1, 2011. Current GRE pattern will no longer offered from Aug 1, 2011.
6) When can I register for Revised GRE 2011?

You can begin to register for Revised GRE from March 15, 2011.
7) Books  for Revised GRE 2011?

Here is a list of books for Revised GRE 2011. Yon pre-order the book through Amazon. Official Guide from ETS for Revised GRE 2011 will be available from Dec 10, 2010.  Since the  many new questions types will appear in the exam, only way to get the feel for question types is to buy the official Guide for Revised GRE 2011 from ETS.

I will posting the review of new books in this blog. Stay tuned for updates.
8) Is it Revised GRE Easy compared to current GRE questions?

You can find sample Revised GRE Questions. Take the test and decide for yourself. But, I highly recommend to take GRE in Current test format.
9) How long will current GRE Score be valid?

GRE Scores are valid for 5 years from your test date. Even though GRE pattern changes from Aug 1, 2011, you can apply using current format GRE score for upto 5 years.

From ETS

This mix of score reporting will be most prevalent in the first year of the revised test, but can continue for the next five years until prior scores are no longer valid. It’s important for you to know that all official GRE scores are valid and should be considered with equal preference in your admissions decision. However, if an applicant presents two sets of scores, use the new score as part of your consideration for admissions, since the revised test is more closely aligned with the skills needed in graduate and business school programs. For more information on important score topics check back regularly for more webinars and videos that will provide updates and guidance.
10) Free Test Prep Materials

Make use of free revised GRE test prep materials from ETS and get the feel for new test format.

Additional Questions? If you have additional questions, leave a comment. I will be glad to answer them for you.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Interview Preparation

It was a scene straight out of a nightmare…well...not exactly nightmare but the news that my brother was called for an interview gave us the shivers. Our concerns were not just for him for ourselves too! We can still recall the days of note-keeping, grooming, confidence building that otherwise turned our well kept home into an interview-preparation-coaching-mess!

With his last debacle at the interview table, my sister decided to give him a one-on-one session on behavioural interviewing! ‘Am I not on my best behaviour? Why do I need one?’ That was his attitude.

Armed with all the information that my sister had gleaned from a recent article that had caught her interest, she proceeded to teach, preach and impress. According to her research, behavioural interviewing has rapidly become one of the most popular ways to interview in the US.

1.    You have set your alarm clock to wake up but it fails to go off and you lose two precious hours. How would you handle that kind of situation?

My brother’s immediate response was that he would work overtime to compensate for the lost time. The answer seemed partly good, but will that impress the interviewer? Most likely not! As the question was intended to see how a negative scenario could be turned into a positive one, my sister proselytized that the likely best answer would be what immediate steps would a person take in such a situation. Step one could be to call up the office and inform them of your coming in late. Step two could be assigning pending work to a co-worker, finally make up for the lost time by working late.

2.    How would you adapt to unexpected changes? What would you do if you were asked to step in and plan, coordinate a project from start to finish due to your senior falling sick?

My brother was a bit perplexed as he had never undertaken a project; leave alone planned or coordinated one from the start to finish. In such circumstances, my sister advised him to frame his words carefully so that the interviewer would be impressed. She told him to honestly inform the interviewer that even though he had never had the opportunity to execute a project from the start to finish; with a little help he could carry it off with great élan.

There were some that were based on the peremptory questions on salary, another on the preparation of the interview, on adaptability, on ambition, on analytical thinking and so on.

Thus continued a full blown interview preparation dialog between the two based on the behavioural method of interviewing.

Interview Tips

I can still remember the nervousness that took hold of me before my first interview and the frantic way I had prepared for it. Job interviews are the toughest situations in anyones life but just like any other situation in life, one can emerge triumphant and happy. In order to triumph in that most important interview that can make or mar ones life, one needs to be totally prepared to face it. Start by learning some job interview tips and questions beforehand and also preparing how you are going to answer them. Sometimes a particular line in a particular diction, tone sounds much better than the same line told in a different way. So, yes you need to practice your diction too alongwith your voice modulation and the way you would like to speak.

Before we get into the nitty gritty of things lets keep one thing in mind that your grooming becomes your first assignment when you are preparing for a job interview. In other words your appearance matters a lot. Therefore start taking care of your clothes, your hair, your nails, your shoes and other things that would reflect a lot as a person you would like to be seen. Therefore start preparing the moment you get that call.

To get hired for a job you need to appear as a mirror image of the suitable candidate that the employer has in mind. With your resume, your appearance, your words and your confidence you need to convince the interviewer that he/she should hire you.

Given below are some tips that will help you get your dream job:-

Update your resume and check it thoroughly. Read your resume to see if you have included everything that needs to be said about you. Remember your resume talks about you and will remain with the interviewer even after you leave the room. Therefore you need to create a good impression about yourself in the resume.

Just stay confident. Your confidence will reflect in your body language and when this happens whatever you say or act in the room will sound convincing to the interviewer. But this does not mean you lie with confidence. Just stay calm and confident and the rest shall  happen.

Take stock of the conversation and rely on yourself to steer the conversation the way you would like it to be. Just remember the inetrviewer would be asking questions based on the last few lines of the answer you have just ended. So steer the conversation into a familiar territory rather than an unfamilar one by talking about things you know best.

Put on your best manners and do not forget to say, 'Please', 'thank you', 'Pardon' and 'excuse me' when in the room. These words leave a lasting impression on the mind of the interviewer when used at the right time in the right manner.

Remember the day you get your call is the day you start preparing for the job of your dreams. So just go out there and clinch it with confidence!

Do you need to know about the Phone Interview?

Getting a phone interview means they see you as someone who could do the job.
The recruitment process is all about whittling the numbers down from a pile of applications to that one person. The first step for employers and recruitment agencies is to create a shortlist of people for the all important face to face interview. Interviewing by phone helps them do this with flexibility and speed.
So, congratulations! You’ve made it this far. Plenty of people won’t have. To make the most of the opportunity you need to think about the challenges of being interviewed over the phone and how to cope with them.
What is the process?
The employer likes how you look on paper. Now they are looking to get to know you a bit better. Most of the time this means talking a little about your working background, and why you are interested in the position.
Make no mistake, being interviewed over the phone is a real part of the interview process. This is never a casual chat. Your number one aim is to ensure you get invited to that face-to-face interview. Don’t lose out here. Show you are suitable and create the right impression: You are someone, capable, willing and able to do the job.
Challenges of the phone interview
• Body language and what we see have a lot to do with communicating. You and the interviewer have to do without that. This means you have to really make sure your message is working for you.
• Your voice and accent may take on extra significance
• It may be more difficult to build rapport over the phone.
• They can’t see you – how do you convey your enthusiasm and personality?
• You must work harder to make sure you understand the questions
• It might come at an awkward time
• You have less time to impress
Don’t be daunted by the challenges. It's time to find out how to deal with them.

Job Interview Skills Training for College Graduates

Job Interview Skills Training for College Graduates

For a fresh graduate, challenges do not only end right after college. As a matter of fact, there are more hard endeavors along the way as soon as the college graduates stepped out of the university and start to look for a job. You already worked so hard to be the person you want to be, why ruin your chances of landing on your dream job because you don’t yet have top job interview skills to help you clinch the deal?

Not everybody has the job interview skills that would help them confidently present themselves in front of the employer. But anybody may opt to undergo training for job interview especially those who just graduated from college.

One of the main advantages of this training is that you will get a professional help in preparing for the interview. Sometimes moral support and reading tips online is not enough. You need someone or something that would let you focus more on your prospective job instead of the question and answer portion.

Aside from that, training for job interview would also let you know about the common mistakes that are done by fresh graduates when hunting for an employment. Being aware of these mistakes would help you avoid it. As a result, you will be able to answer the questions that will be thrown at you with flying colors.

The principles of effective CV Writing

 The principles of effective CV Writing
So, based on what we know about the screening process there is really only one principle of effective CV writing, and it’s a simple one:

Make it easy for them to see how good you are (help them, help you)

That’s it. Still I said simple, not necessarily easy. You’re going to have to put some effort into thinking about how you apply it. You can break this principle down into two parts. They are;

Time; the employer is under time pressure. Anything you can do to save them time in seeing you as a good candidate will count for you.

Clues; give the employer clear indication that you have the skills, experience and attributes for the role.

Here is a three step plan to help you with effective CV writing

1)know the job

Your aim throughout the process is to communicate to the employer that you are what they are looking for. Use the job advertisement and job description to produce a target for you to aim at. Remember when setting your job search objectives you produced a blueprint defining what you want from your new role? Similarly the employer will know what they are looking for from the person who fills the vacancy.

Think about what a good candidate will look like to the employer? What experience will they have? Where will they have worked? What will their ambitions be? The clearer the picture you have of what good looks like, the easier the rest of the process will be.

2)Target your CV

You are no doubt a multi skilled, highly experienced, all singing, all dancing, unique snowflake who has achieved success in limitless areas in your professional life. You and I both know that this is great, but the person who is reading your CV probably doesn’t really care.........yet. Remember they are under time pressure. You have to make it as easy as possible for them to see why you are a great candidate for THIS job. The harder you make it, the less effective your CV is. Focus on getting across the key things that matter to THIS application, rather than describing everything you have ever done.

For more on the why and how of producing a targeted CV read this article.

3)Write with your audience in mind

Remember how I said looking through CV’s can be boring? Well often employers are searching for just a few key words that will make the search seem a little more worthwhile. Want to know what these magic words are? Read the job advertisement!!! Right before your eyes you will see on paper exactly what they are looking for. How do you think they would feel if they felt that a candidate somehow possessed these same criteria??

The closer your CV matches the job advertisement the more favourable your CV will be looked upon. You can draw attention to the match through the the way you describe things. Again, don’t make them work to see how closely you match what they want. Give it to them easy.

I’m a massive advocate of the STAR technique and it will help you here too. Too many CVs’ read like a list of responsibilities. But responsibilities are boring and uninspiring. Employers want to know about what you achieved, it’s a subtle but important shift in mindset. They are looking for the type of person who can create positive outcomes in a Situation regardless of the Task. The type of person who takes Action to get positive Results (see, a STAR!).

Start thinking about your career in this way. Then start writing about it like this and you’re on your way to effective CV writing.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Infosys Latest Papers

Latest Infosys Fresher Job Interview Paper Pattern : 22-March-2011

Company Name : Infosys
Type : Fresher
Job Interview, Question Paper

Hi friends this is Rajesh. I am here to share my experience of infosys recruitment drive held at MIT engineering college. Around 1500 students attend the drive.there are two rounds:

Written Test

Before attending to the drive i heard that the written test is very difficult to clear...but after writing the test i felt it quite normal one and anyone can clear it with sufficient preparation. written test contains two sessions

General Ability (30 Questions 40 Minutes)
Verbal Reasoning(40 Questions 35 Minutes)
General ability section is easy compared to verbal and it contains the following topics
5 questions on symbols.
5 questions on statements and conclusions
2 puzzles (2*5=10 questions)
5 questions on syllogism
5 questions on data interpretation pie diagrams)

Refer time material for data interpretation questions and refer verbal and nonverbal R.S.Agarwal for remaining. u can easily do this section if u refer above two books. coming to the verbal section, it contains 40 questions that should be done only in 35 Minutes. So we should do this section very quickly. verbal section contains following questions.

15 questions from correction of sentences
2 reading comprehension (2*5=10 questions)
10 Question form fill in the blanks(prepositions)
5 questions from paragraph conclusions small paragraph will be given we need to find the conclusion).

Refer "objective English for competitive exams " book of correction of sentences. remaining depends on your English ability. read the passages thoroughly so that u can easily answer 10 questions from them.
passage conclusion also very easy read them carefully. the important thing is there will be an sectional cut of for both sections. it is around 18 for general ability and 22 for verbal reasoning.
finally 202 students cleared the written test and the HR interview was scheduled on 24th and 25th march.

HR interview : Before the interview coordinators checked our mark lists and after some time i was called for HR interview. HR interviewer is an very old person and very he was very friendly. after entering into the room he shook my hand and asked to take my seat. i thanked him and took my seat. he started asking the questions in friendly manner with a smile in his face. it gave me a lot of confidence and with the same confidence I answered the questions. the questions are here:-
He: How is your feeling as you are completing final year?
Me: I answered
He: So you done project right.?
Me: Yes sir!
He: Then explain me about your project?
Me : explained everything what we done and also my role as an team leader.
He: Any problems during the project?
Me: Answered
He: Ok fine. do you play games?
Me: I was glad to take this question and answered quickly as yes sir! vollyball, kabaddi and table tennis.
He: He laughed and asked so did u participated in inter college competitions?
Me: I answered
He: Well Manikanta, did u participated in any curricular activities?
Me : I answered
He: Ok mani kanta all the best! and shook his hand again
Me :thank you sir.

This is how my interview went it was very lively and very cool one. finally the results were announced around 3pm. I was very much tensed about the result because I lost many companies like tcs, convergys, honeywell etc.,by god's grace I was one of the selected 161 dream come true. so friends never give up. you can crack anything more than you expect.

All The Best.

Exam/Interview Date : 22-Mar-2011
No of Rounds : Aptitude Test, Client/Manager Interview


Infosys Limited, formerly Infosys Technologies Limited, is a global technology services company headquartered in Bengaluru (Bangalore), India. Infosys is the second largest IT company in India with 130,820 employees (including subsidiaries) as of March 2011. Infosys is ranked 28th globally,in the list of IT services providing firms.It has offices in 33 countries and development centres in India, China, Australia, UK, Canada, Brazil and Japan. The company offers software products for the banking industry and business process management services also provides end-to-end business solutions.

Infosys developed a corporate R&D wing called Software Engineering and Technology Labs (SETLabs). SETLabs was founded in 2000 to carry out applied research for the development of processes, frameworks and methodologies to effectively capture customer requirements and to iron out common critical issues during a project life cycle. Various broad groups are Software Engg Lab, Convergence Lab, Innovation Lab, Center for KDIS, Security and Privacy Lab and Distributed Computing Laboratory.

Infosys was founded on 2 July 1981 by seven entrepreneurs, N. R. Narayana Murthy, Nandan Nilekani, Kris Gopalakrishnan, S. D. Shibulal, K Dinesh, Ashok Arora, and with N. S. Raghavan officially being the first employee of the company. The founders started the company with an initial investment of INR 10,000. The company was incorporated as "Infosys Consultants Pvt Ltd." in Model Colony, Pune as the registered office.
Infosys headquarters in Bengaluru, India

Infosys went public in 1993. Interestingly, Infosys IPO was under subscribed but it was bailed out by US investment banker Morgan Stanley which picked up 13% of equity at the offer price of Rs. 95 per share. The share price surged to Rs. 8,100 by 1999. By the year 2000 Infosys's shares touched Rs. 310. This, before the catastrophic incident of September 11th, which caused share prices to suddenly fall.

According to Forbes magazine, since listing on the Bombay Stock Exchange till the year 2000, Infosys' sales and earnings compounded at more than 70% a year. In the year 2000, President of the United States Bill Clinton complimented India on its achievements in high technology areas citing the example of Infosys. Infosys will invest $100 million (Rs 440 crore) on establishing a 20,000-seater campus in Shanghai.

In 2001, it was rated Best Employer in India by Business Today. Infosys was rated best employer to work for in 2000, 2001, and 2002 by Hewitt Associates. In 2007, Infosys received over 1.3 million applications and hired fewer than 3% of applicants.

Infosys was the only Indian company to win the Global MAKE (Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises) award for the years 2003, 2004 and 2005, and is inducted into the Global Hall of Fame for the same.

Read R S Aggrwal online

R S aggarwal verbal reasoning

pointer objective questions with answers

pointer objective questions with answers
1) What will be output of following program?
void main()
int a=320;
char *ptr;
ptr=(char *)&a;
printf("%d ",*ptr);
(a) 2
(b) 320
(c) 64
(d)Compiler error
(e)None of above
(2) What will be output of following program?
void main()
void (*p)();
int (*q)();
int (*r)();
(a) NULL
(c) c
(d) Compiler error
(e) None of above
(3) What will be output of following program?

void main()
int i=3;
int *j;
int **k;
printf(“%u %u %d ”,k,*k,**k);
(a) Address, Address, 3
(b)Address, 3, 3
(c) 3, 3, 3
(d) Compiler error
(e) None of above
(4) What will be output of following program?
void main()
char far *p=(char far *)0x55550005;
char far *q=(char far *)0x53332225;
(a) 80
(b) 81
(c) 82
(d) Compiler error
(e) None of above
(5) What will be output of following program?

void main()
char *ptr1=NULL;
char *ptr2=0;
strcpy(ptr1," c");
printf("\n%s %s",ptr1,ptr2);
(a) c questions
(b) c (null)
(c) (null) (null)
(d) Compiler error
(e) None of above

(6) What will be output of following program?
void main()
int huge *a=(int huge *)0x59990005;
int huge *b=(int huge *)0x59980015;
printf("power of pointer");
printf("power of c");
(a) power of pointer
(b) power of c
(c) power of cpower of c
(d) Compiler error
(e) None of above

(7) What will be output of following program?

void main()
register a=25;
int far *p;
printf("%d ",*p);
(a) 25
(b) 4
(c) Address
(d) Compiler error
(e) None of above

(8) What will be output of following program?
void main()
char far *p,*q;
printf("%d %d",sizeof(p),sizeof(q));
(a) 2 2
(b) 4 4
(c) 4 2
(d) 2 4
(e) None of above
(9) What will be output of following program?
void main()
int a=10;
void *p=&a;
int *ptr=p;
(a) 10
(b) Address
(c) 2
(d) Compiler error
(e) None of above

(10) What will be output of following program?
void main()
int register a;
//if a=25

(a) 25
(b) Address
(c) 0
(d) Compiler error
(e) None of above
(11) What will be output of following program?
void main()
char arr[10];
(a) world
(b) w
(c) Null
(d) Compiler error
(e) None of above
(12) What will be output of following program?

void main()
int a,b,c,d;
char *p=0;
int *q=0;
float *r=0;
double *s=0;
printf("%d %d %d %d",a,b,c,d);
(a)2 2 2 2
(b)1 2 4 8
(c)1 2 2 4
(d) Compiler error
(e) None of above
(13) What will be output of following program?

void main()
int a=5,b=10,c;
int *p=&a,*q=&b;
(a) 1
(b) 5
(c) -5
(d) Compiler error
(e) None of above

(14) What will be output of following program?

unsigned long int (* avg())[3]
static unsigned long int arr[3]={1,2,3};
return &arr;
void main()
unsigned long int (*ptr)[3];
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) Compiler error
(e) None of above

(15) What will be output of following program?

void main()
int * p,b;
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 8
(d) Compiler error
(e) None of above

(16) What will be output of following program?

void main()
int i=5,j;
int *p,*q;
printf("value of i : %d value of j : %d",*p,*q);
(a) 5 5
(b) Address Address
(c) 5 Address
(d) Compiler error
(e) None of above

(17) What will be output of following program?

int i=5;
int *p;
printf(" %u %u",*&p,&*p);
(a) 5 Address
(b) Address Address
(c) Address 5
(d) Compiler error
(e) None of above

(18) What will be output of following program?

void main()
int i=100;
printf("value of i : %d addresss of i : %u",i,&i);
printf("\nvalue of i : %d addresss of i : %u",i,&i);
(a) value of i : 100 addresss of i : Address
value of i : 101 addresss of i : Address
(b) value of i : 100 addresss of i : Address
value of i : 100 addresss of i : Address
(c) value of i : 101 addresss of i : Address
value of i : 101 addresss of i : Address
(d) Compiler error
(e) None of above
(19) What will be output of following program?

void main()
char far *p=(char far *)0x55550005;
char far *q=(char far *)0x53332225;
(a) 25
(b) Address
(c) Garbage
(d) Compiler error
(e) None of above

(20) What will be output of following program?

void main()
int i=3;
int *j;
int **k;
printf(“%u %u %u”,i,j,k);
(a) 3 Address 3
(b) 3 Address Address
(c) 3 3 3
(d) Compiler error
(e) None of above

(1) c
(2) b
(3) a
(4) b
(5) c
(6) a
(7) d
(8) c
(9) a
(10) d
(11) d
(12) b
(13) a
(14) c
(15) e
(16) a
(17) b
(18) a
(19) e
(20) b

As we know int is two byte data byte while char is one byte data byte. char pointer can keep the address one byte at time.
Binary value of 320 is 00000001 01000000 (In 16 bit)
Memory representation of int a=320 is:

So ptr is pointing only first 8 bit which color is green and
Decimal value is 64.
p is pointer to function whose parameter is void and return type
is also void. r and q is pointer to function whose parameter is
void and return type is int . So they can hold the address of
such function.
Memory representation

Here 6024, 8085, 9091 is any arbitrary address, it may be different.
Value of k is content of k in memory which is 8085
Value of *k means content of memory location which address k keeps.
k keeps address 8085 .
Content of at memory location 8085 is 6024
In the same way **k will equal to 3.

Short cut way to calculate:
Rule: * and & always cancel to each other
i.e. *&a=a
So *k=*(&j) since k=&j
*&j=j =6024
Far address of p and q are representing same physical address .
Physical address of 0x55550005= (0x5555)*(0x10) + (0x0005) = 0x55555
Physical address of 0x53332225= (0x5333*0x10) + (0x2225) =0x55555
*p =80, means content at memory location 0x55555 is assigning value 25
(*p)++ means increase the content by one at memory location 0x5555 so now

content at memory location 0x55555 is 81
*q also means content at memory location 0x55555 which is 26
We cannot assign any string constant in null pointer by strcpy function.
Here we are performing relational operation between two huge addresses. So

first both a and b will normalize.
a= (0x5999)* (0x10) + (0x0005) =0x9990+0x0005=0x9995
b= (0x5998)* (0x10) + (0x0015) =0x9980+0x0015=0x9995
Here both huge addresses are representing same physical address. So a==b

is true.
Register data type stores in CPU. So it has not any memory
address. Hence we cannot write &a.
p is far pointer which size is 4 byte.
By default q is near pointer which size is 2 byte.
void pointer can hold address of any data type without type casting. Any

pointer can hold void pointer without type casting.
Register data type stores in CPU. So it has not any memory address. Hence

we cannot write &a.

(11) Compiler error Lvalue required
Array name is constant pointer and we cannot assign any
value in constant data type after declaration.

Address=next address
Since initial address of all data type is zero. So its
next address will be size of data type.

Difference of two same type of pointer is always one.

Output: 2 or 4
since in this question it has not written p is which type
of pointer. So its output will depend upon which memory
model has selected. Default memory model is small.

Since * and & always cancel to each other.
i.e. *&a=a
so *&p=p which store address of integer i
&*p=&*(&i) //since p=&i
So second output is also address of i

Within the scope of any variable, value of variable
may change but its address will never change in any
modification of variable.

Far address of p and q are representing same physical
address. Physical address of
0x55550005= 0x5555*ox10+ox0005= 0x55555
Physical address of
*p =25, means content at memory location 0x55555 is
assigning value 25
(*p)++ means increase the content by one at memory
location 0x5555 so now content at memory location 0x55555
is 26
*q also means content at memory location 0x55555 which is


Here 6024, 8085, 9091 is any arbitrary address, it may be different.

After the Interviews

After the Interviews
after interview Say thanks. The next day write the interviewer a brief note reiterating your interest in the job. Spell his or her name correctly!
Follow up. If you haven't heard from the interviewer within the time frame indicated at the close of the interview, call them to relay a polite reminder that you're still interested in the job. Ask when they plan to make a hiring decision.
If you aren't hired and you are still interested in the company, it pays to keep in touch with the interviewer. Often, through persistence, you may be offered a position at a later date.

Chin Up. If you don't get the job, don't be disheartened. Gear up for your next interview. After all the more interviews you tackle the more polished you become. You may want to contact the interviewer who rejected you and see if you can get any pointers on what to improve before your next interview.

How to prepare for Interview ?

How to prepare for Interview ?

Question : Tell /Describe about yourself ( you will be asked this 90% )
Answer : Don't recite your resume. Tell about your education, experience, projects worked ,passion etc.,Make sure you complete this within 2-3mins.

Q: Why should we hire you into our organization
A : This would be perfect time to tell about your strengths,achievements & assets. Compare your profile with the job role & justify that you will be a best fit for the job. Answers like ‘This is a best company’ , ‘I want a job in this field’ wont impress the interviewer.

Q : What are your strengths & weakness ?
A: Again this is also a commonly asked question to test how much you know of yourself.Make sure the Strengths you say have some relation to the job you applied.’I am very good in english’ can be said as ‘I have good communication skills’ ,

Weakness - ‘I don't have any weakness’ means you are not ready to talk about it.Similarly don't say something like, ‘Im short tempered & get angry very soon’ – It gives an impression that you are not fit to work in group.Say something which does not affect the working & also describe about the steps taken to overcome that.

Q: Where do you see yourself after 5 years ?
A: This question would be asked to check how much you know about the career path.

‘After 5 years,I want to be in your seat’ wont work in any case.Think realistically, understand the growth opportunities of that job & put it across to them.

Q : Why are you shifting from your current employer/company (for experienced people)
A : This would be a tricky question & you have to answer by choosing proper words.Give the real reason, but make sure you don't put the blame on your previous company nor onto yourself.

These are just few questions that can be asked during an Interview ,but the list is exhaustive.So be prepared to answer any question with confidence.But , Never ever get tensed – It pulls your confidence down & will throw you out of the competition.

Friday, May 20, 2011

10 Secrets for Success

1. Study the competition. Gates has turned into a daily morning ritual of visiting the same sites of its competitors.

2. Be firm. Superior quality manager faces up to even the bad news. Keep calm, and then every problem will be resolved quickly. First, always try to learn the bad news, then good.

3. Focus on the Internet. For him the future. In coming years, there remain only two types of companies: those who are in the network and those who graduated from a business.

4. Do not pay attention to success. He is deceptive and changeable. Having achieved one goal - not sitting on the ground, immediately take a new one. Competitors are not sitting idly by.

5. Create conditions for development. The purpose of an experienced manager to create a good environment for their own subordinates. They reciprocate.

6. Start today. If you have something not happy at work - create your own business. Bill Gates has started a business in the garage. Take time just for what you really interesting.

7. Think. Several times a year, hop off the familiar environment to reflect the decision of accumulated problems.

8. Afraid to fail. Doubt the correctness of their actions before the commission, and after - make your conclusions.

9. Rely on new technology. Electronic information is capable of performing miracles.

10. Hop off the crowd. It is not always the right direction. Always choose the way of development.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Introduction on Stack and Queue

Stack and Queue

Stack:A stack is a linear list of elements for which all insertions and deletions(usually accesses) are made at only one end of the list.

They are also called as LIFO lists(Last Input First Output).
The operations supported are :

1)IsEmpty(S): returns whether the stack is empty or not.

2)IsFull(S): return whether the stack is full or not.

3)Push(Element X,S): pushes element X on to the top of the stack.

4)Pop(S) : pops an element from the top of the stack on to the output(printing on to the output console isn't necessary though in which case we can define another function Top(S) which gives the top element of the stack).

All the above mentioned operations are of O(1) complexity.

Queue: Queue is a linear list for which all insertions are made at one end and deletions(accesses as well)
are made at the other end of the list and the lists are also called as FIFO lists(First Input First Output ).

The operations supported are

1)IsEmpty(Q):returns whether the queue is empty or not.

2)IsFull(Q): return whether the queue is full or not.

3)Enqueue(Element X,Q): inserts an element X on the rear side of the queue.

4)Dequeue(Q): removes the element pointed to by the front end of the queue.

Similar to a stack ,the operations of the queue are also of O(1) complexity.

Dequeue (double ended queue):A Dequeue is a linear list for which insertions and deletions(accesses as well) occur at the ends.
Analogous to the operations defined for stack and Queue,we can also define some operations for Dequeue.
A simple observation reveals the fact that we can simulate both stack and queue from Dequeue by input and output restrictions.

Having dwelt at such a length on these linear lists,we shall also see some interesting questions based on the simple properties of these linear lists.


1)How do you implement 2 stacks using only one array.Your stack routines should not indicate an overflow unless every slot in the array is used?

Solution:given an Array,start the first stack S1 from left end and other stack S2 from the right end.while S1 gets grows towards right ,S2 grows towards left.

2)Propose a data structure which supports the stack Push and Pop operations and a third operation FindMin,which returns the smallest element in the data strucuture all in O(1) worst case time.
Solution:Use 2 stacks S1 in to which the elements are pushed and S2 in to which only the current minimum is pushed.
When one needs to insert an element E ,we first push E on to S1 and then access the top element T of S2 which is the minimum before E has been inserted.If only E is less than T , we push E on to S2 .
When one needs to pop an element ,pop the top element of S1 and if this element is also equal to the one on top of S2, then pop it off S2 as well.

Hence the current minimum will always be on top of S2 .Hence along with other normal stack operations, access of minimum element is also possible in O(1).

3)Show how to implement 3 stacks in a single array efficiently?(debated question)

Solution: It is still up for debate ,as we haven't yet figured out the exact solution.We will soon put the best solution for this problem.

4)Consider a empty stack of integers.Let the numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6 be pushed on to this stack only in the order they appeared from left to right.Let S indicates a push and X indicate a pop operation.Can they be permuted in to the order 325641(output) and order 154623?(if a permutation is possible give the order string of operations.
(Hint: SSSSSSXXXXXX outputs 654321)

Solution: SSSXXSSXSXXX outputs 325641.
154623 cannot be output as 2 is pushed much before 3 so can appear only after 3 is output.

5)Given a string containing N S's and N X's where S indicates a push operation and X indicates a pop operation, and with the stack initially empty,Formulate a rule to check whether a given string S of operations is admissible or not (Hint: A string S of operations should always abide by the properties of the stack which in this case only means you never pop an element from an empty stack)

Solution:Given a string of length 2N, we wish to check whether the given string of operations is permissible or not with respect to its functioning on a stack.
The only restricted operation is pop whose prior requirement is that the stack should not be empty.So while traversing the string from left to right,prior to any pop the stack shouldn't be empty which means the no of S's is always greater than or equal to that of X's.
Hence the condition is at any stage on processing of the string,
no of S's > no of X's

6)Find a simple formula for An, the number of permutations the can be printed on an input of n distinct characters to a stack (similar to question 4)

Solution:The numbers are input in the order 1,2,3,...,N.
So the problem amounts to the number of strings each of N pushes(denoted by S) and N pops(denoted by X).
The only criteria to select a string is at any stage of its processing character by character we should have no of S's > no of X's .

This problem is no different from parenthesis problem where N needs to give the no of possible permutations of N parenthesis , which if given by Nth catalan number Cn=(2n)!/((n+1)! n!).
For more insite into catalan number refer this link.

7)Show that it is possible to obtain the permutation P1P2.........Pn from 1,2,.........n using a stack
if and only if there are no indices i < j < k such that Pj < Pk < Pi.

Solution:The solution can be arrived simply by veirfying that among the 6 possible
orders of Pi,Pj,Pk the rest 5 are possible and the ordering in question i.e is Pi,Pj,Pk is not possible.

We leave it to the reader the verification of possibility of the 5 orderings and deal only with proving that the order Pi,Pj,Pk is not possible.

Suppose say that the order Pi,Pj,Pk is possible.
As Pi is the largest and printed first (i < j < k) followed by Pj and Pk,just before the popping of Pi the ordering of these 3 on the stack shall be Pi,Pk followed by Pj(from top).But as j

Please Post Your answers to these Questions in the comments section.Your valuable comment might invoke a good discussion and learning process.

More questions to follow on this topic soon!!

Synonyms asked in written Test 3

admonish = usurp (reprove) merry = gay
alienate = estrange (isolate) instigate = incite
dispel = dissipate (dismiss) belief = conviction
covet= crave (desire) belated = too late
solicit = beseech (seek) brim = border
subside = wane (drop) renounce= reject
hover = linger (stay close) divulge = reveal
heap = to pile (collect) adhesive = tenacious
veer = diverge (turn) hamper = obstruct
caprice = whim (impulse) to merit= to deserve
stifle = suffocate (smother) inert = passive
latent = potential (inactive) latitude = scope
concur = acquiesce (accept) momentary = transient
tranquil = serene (calm) admonish = cautious
lethargy = stupor (lazy) volume = quantity
furtive= stealthy (secret) meager = scanty
cargo = freight(load) baffle = frustrate
efface = obliterate(wipe out) misery = distress
pretentious = ostentatious(affected) discretion = prudence
compunction = remorse (regret) amiable = friendly
cajole = coax (wheedle – sweet talk) incentive = provocation
Embrace = hug (hold-cuddle) latent = potential
Confiscate = appropriate (to take charge) emancipate = liberate
lament = mourn confiscate = appropriate
obstinate = stubborn acumen = exactness
metamorphosis = transform scrutiny = close examination
annihilate = to destroy fuse = combine
whet = sharpen behest = request
adage = proverb penitence = to repeat

Synonyms asked in Written Test

Friends i am sharing
1] Depreciation = deflation,depression,devaluation,fall,slump
2] Depricate = feel and express disapproval
3] Incentive = thing one encourages one to do
4] Echelon = level of authority or responsibility
5] Innovation = make changes or introduce new things
6] Intermittant = externally stopping and then starting
7] Detrimental = harmful
8] Mesotiate = ...
9] Conciliation = make less angry or more friendly
10] Orthodox = conventional or superstitious
11] Fallible = liable to err
12] Volatile = ever changing
13] Manifestion = clear or obvious
14] Connotation =
15] Reciprocal = reverse, opposite
16] Agrarian = related to agriculture
17] Vacillate = undecided or dilemma
18] Experdent = fitting proper , desirable
19] Simulate = produce artificially resembling an existing one
20] Access = to approach
21] Compensation= salary
22] Truncate = shorten by cutting
23] Adherance = stick
24] Heterogenous = non-similar things
25] Surplus = excessive
26] Assess = determine the amount or value
27] Cognezance = knowledge
28] Retrospective = review
29] Naive = innocent , rustic
30] Equivocate = tallying on both sides
31] Postulate = frame a theory
32] Latent = dormant,secret
33] Fluctuate = wavering
34] Eliminate = to reduce
35] Affinity = strong liking
36] Expidite = hasten
37] Console = to show sympathy
38] Adversary = opposition
39] Affable = lovable,approchable
40] Decomposable = rotten
41] Agregious = apart from crowd,especially bad
42] Conglomeration = group
43] Aberration = deviation
44] Erudite = wise, profound
45] Augury = prediction
46] Credibility = ability to common belief,quality of being credible

Synonyms Asked in Written Test 2

HI friends,
i am sharing

Admonish= usurp
Adhesive = tenacious, sticky, glue, gum, bonding agent
Alienate = estrange
Bileaf = big screen, big shot, big success
Belief = conviction
Baffle = puzzle
Brim = edge
Covet = to desire
Caprice = whim
Concur = similar, acquiesce
Confiscate = appropriate, to take charge, to annex
Cargo = load, luggage
Dispel = scatter
Divulge = reveal, make known, disclose
Discretion = prudence
Emancipate = liberate
Efface = obliterate
Embrace = hug, hold, cuddle
Furtive = stealthy
Heap = to gather
Hamper = obstruct
Heap = to pile
Hover = linger
Incentive = spur
Instigate = incite
Inert = passive
Latitude = scope
Lethargy = stupor
Lamont = lakes, lamentable
Lament = wail
Latent = potential
Merry = Enjoy
Meager = small, little, scanty
Misery = distress
Momentary = for small time
Merit = to deserve
Miserable = unhappy, sad
Obstinate = stubborn
Overt = obvious, clear, explicit, evident
Pretentious = ostentatious
Potential = ability
Rinaile = rigorous
Renounce= reject
Solicit = Humble, urge
Subside = wane
Stifle = snits
Tranquil = calm, silent, serene
To merit- to deserve
Volume = quantity
Veer = diverge
Wethargy = well wisher

Interview Questions for Freashers

Friends i am sharing some c FAQ:

1.What does static variable means?

2.What is a Pointer?

3.What is a Structure?

4.What are the differences between Structures and

5.In header files whether functions are declared or

6.What are the differences between malloc() and

7.What are Macros? What are its advantages and

8.Difference between Pass by Value and Pass by

9.What is static identifier?

10.Where is the auto variables stored?

11.Where does global, static, local, register
variables, free memory and C program instructions get

12.Difference between arrays and linked list?

13.What are enumerations?

14.Describe about storage allocation and scope of
global, extern, static, local and register variables?

15.What are register variables? What are the
advantages of using it?
16.What is the use of typedef?
17.Can we specify variable field width in a scanf()
format string? If possible, how?
18.Out of fgets() and gets(), which function is safe
to use and Why?
19.Difference between strdup and strcpy?
20.What is recursion?
21.Differentiate between a FOR loop and a WHILE loop?
What are its uses?
22.What are the different storage classes in C?
23.Write down the equivalent pointer expression for
referring the same element a[i][j][k][l]?
24.What is the difference between Structure and
25.What are the advantages of using Unions?
26.What are the advantages of using pointers in a
27.What is the difference between Strings and Arrays?
28.What is a far pointer? Where we use it?
29.How will you declare an array of three function
pointers where each function receives two int and
returns a float?
30.What is NULL pointer? Whether it is same as an
un-initialized pointer?
31.What is a NULL macro? What is the difference
between a NULL pointer and a NULL macro?
32.What does the error ‘Null Pointer Assignment’ means
and what causes this error?
33.What is near, far and huge pointers? How many bytes
are occupied by them?
34.How would you obtain segment and offset addresses
from a far address of a memory location?
35.Are the expressions arr and &arr same for an array
of integers?
36.Does mentioning the array name gives the base
address in all the contexts?
37.Explain one method to process an entire string as
one unit?
38.What is the similarity between a Structure, Union
and Enumeration?
39.Can a Structure contain a Pointer to itself?
40.How can we check whether the contents of two
structure variables are same or not?
41.How are Structure passing and returning implemented
by the compiler?
42.How can we read/write Structures from/to data
43.What is the difference between an enumeration and a
set of pre-processor # defines?
44.What do the ‘c’ and ‘v’ in argc and argv stand for?
45.What is the maximum combined length of command line
arguments including the space between adjacent
46.If we want that any wildcard characters in the
command line arguments should be appropriately
expanded, are we required to make any special
provision? If yes, which?
47.Does there exist any way to make the command line
arguments available to other functions without passing
them as arguments to the function?
48.What are bit fields?
49.What is the use of bit fields in a Structure
50.To which numbering system can the binary number
1101100100111100 be easily converted to?
51.Which bit wise operator is suitable for checking
whether a particular bit is on or off?
52.Which bit wise operator is suitable for turning off
a particular bit in a number?
53.Which bit wise operator is suitable for putting on
a particular bit in a number?
54.Which one is equivalent to multiplying by 2: Left
shifting a number by 1 or Left shifting an unsigned
int or char by 1?
55.Write a program to compare two strings without
using the strcmp() function?
56.Write a program to concatenate two strings?
57.Write a program to interchange 2 variables without
using the third one?
58.Write a program for String Reversal?
59.Write a program for Palindrome check?
60.Write a program to find the Factorial of a number?
61.Write a program to generate Fibonacci series?
62.Write a program which employs Recursion?
63.Write a program which uses Command Line Arguments?
64.Write a program which uses functions like strcmp(),
strcpy(), etc.?
65.What are the advantages of using typedef in a
66.How would you dynamically allocate a
one-dimensional and two-dimensional array of integers?
67.When reallocating memory if nay other pointers
point the same piece of memory, do you have to
readjust these other pointers or do they get
readjusted automatically?
68.Which function should be used to free the memory
allocated by calloc()?
69.How much maximum can you allocate in a single call
to malloc()?
70.Can you dynamically allocate arrays in expanded
71.What is object file? How can you access object
72.Which header file should include if you are to
develop a function which can accept variable number of
73.Can you write a function similar to printf()?
74.How can a called function determine the number of
arguments that have been passed to it?
75.Can there be at least some solution to determine
the number of arguments passed to a variable argument
list function?
76.How do you declare, An array of three pointers to
77.How do you declare, An array of three char
78.How do you declare, A pointer to array of three
79.How do you declare, A pointer to function which
receives an int pointer and returns a float pointer?
80.How do you declare, A pointer to a function which
receives nothing and returns nothing?
81.What do the functions atoi(), itoa() and gcvt() do?
82.Does there exist any other function which can be
used to convert an integer or a float to a string?
83.How would you use qsort() function to sort an array
of structures?
84.How would you use qsort() function to sort the name
stored in an array of pointers to string?
85.How would you use bsearch() function to search a
name stored in array of pointers to string?
86.How would you use the functions sin(), pow(),
87.How would you use the functions memcpy(), memset(),
88.How would you use the functions fseek(), fread(),
fwrite() and ftell()?
89.How would you use the functions randomize() and
90.How would you obtain current time and difference
between two times?
91.How would you implement a substr() function that
extracts a sub string from a given string?
92.What is the difference between the functions
rand(), random(), srand() and randomize()?
93.What is the difference between the functions
memmove() and memcpy()?
94.How do you print a string on the printer?
95.Can you use the function fprintf() to display the
output on the screen?