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Thursday, May 26, 2011

The principles of effective CV Writing

 The principles of effective CV Writing
So, based on what we know about the screening process there is really only one principle of effective CV writing, and it’s a simple one:

Make it easy for them to see how good you are (help them, help you)

That’s it. Still I said simple, not necessarily easy. You’re going to have to put some effort into thinking about how you apply it. You can break this principle down into two parts. They are;

Time; the employer is under time pressure. Anything you can do to save them time in seeing you as a good candidate will count for you.

Clues; give the employer clear indication that you have the skills, experience and attributes for the role.

Here is a three step plan to help you with effective CV writing

1)know the job

Your aim throughout the process is to communicate to the employer that you are what they are looking for. Use the job advertisement and job description to produce a target for you to aim at. Remember when setting your job search objectives you produced a blueprint defining what you want from your new role? Similarly the employer will know what they are looking for from the person who fills the vacancy.

Think about what a good candidate will look like to the employer? What experience will they have? Where will they have worked? What will their ambitions be? The clearer the picture you have of what good looks like, the easier the rest of the process will be.

2)Target your CV

You are no doubt a multi skilled, highly experienced, all singing, all dancing, unique snowflake who has achieved success in limitless areas in your professional life. You and I both know that this is great, but the person who is reading your CV probably doesn’t really care.........yet. Remember they are under time pressure. You have to make it as easy as possible for them to see why you are a great candidate for THIS job. The harder you make it, the less effective your CV is. Focus on getting across the key things that matter to THIS application, rather than describing everything you have ever done.

For more on the why and how of producing a targeted CV read this article.

3)Write with your audience in mind

Remember how I said looking through CV’s can be boring? Well often employers are searching for just a few key words that will make the search seem a little more worthwhile. Want to know what these magic words are? Read the job advertisement!!! Right before your eyes you will see on paper exactly what they are looking for. How do you think they would feel if they felt that a candidate somehow possessed these same criteria??

The closer your CV matches the job advertisement the more favourable your CV will be looked upon. You can draw attention to the match through the the way you describe things. Again, don’t make them work to see how closely you match what they want. Give it to them easy.

I’m a massive advocate of the STAR technique and it will help you here too. Too many CVs’ read like a list of responsibilities. But responsibilities are boring and uninspiring. Employers want to know about what you achieved, it’s a subtle but important shift in mindset. They are looking for the type of person who can create positive outcomes in a Situation regardless of the Task. The type of person who takes Action to get positive Results (see, a STAR!).

Start thinking about your career in this way. Then start writing about it like this and you’re on your way to effective CV writing.